Navigating mental health challenges can be daunting, but you are not alone.

Gravesend Churches Housing Association is committed to providing our residents with information on local support services that can help enhance their mental health and well-being. Below is a comprehensive list of available resources across Gravesham, Maidstone, and Dartford areas that offer a range of support options, from counselling and therapy to emergency assistance.

Community Support and Counseling Services

Mind North Kent
A mental health charity committed to supporting residents in Dartford, Gravesham, Swanley, and Medway. Mind North Kent offers a variety of services aimed at fostering mental well-being.

Visit Mind North Kent

Elliott Holmes Memorial Fund
Focused on improving the mental health of young people in Gravesham, this fund provides direct access to mental health counselling, supports schools, and collaborates with other organizations to enhance youth mental well-being.
Learn more about Elliott Holmes Memorial Fund

Dartford, Gravesend, and Swanley Community Mental Health Team
This team offers assessments and interventions for individuals experiencing severe mental health issues. Services are available through GP referrals and self-referrals.
More information

Urgent Support and Helplines

Available 24/7, providing confidential support for people experiencing distress or despair.
Call for free: 116 123
Email Samaritans

Release the Pressure
Free helpline and text service offering support for issues like depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and more. Available 24/7.
Call: 0800 107 0160
Text ‘Kent’ or ‘Medway’ to 85258 for confidential support
Visit Release the Pressure

Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust
Provides urgent mental health support. Call 111 and select option 2.
Visit Kent and Medway NHS

Specialised Services

A free and anonymous online service providing mental health support for young people.
Access Kooth

Live Well Kent
A network of voluntary organisations offering a wide range of mental health and well-being services.
Visit Live Well Kent

St George’s Church, Gravesend
A welcoming place offering a listening ear, free refreshments, and an information hub every Tuesday from 10 am-12 pm.
Call: 01474 532505

Free Community Pantry
Gravesend Salvation Army provides bread, bakery products, and fruits and vegetables when available every weekday from 9 am to 10 am.
Call: 01474 560124
Address: The Grove, Gravesend. DA12 1DX

Support for Parents and Families

Mental Health Help for New Parents
Support services for mothers, fathers, partners, and carers dealing with mental health challenges associated with parenting.

Dads Matter and DadPad
Resources focusing on the mental health of new fathers, offering support and information.
Visit Dads Matter
About DadPad

Online Tools and Apps

Access a range of NHS services directly from your phone, including mental health support.

One You Kent
Helps residents make lifestyle changes to enhance overall well-being, with resources for losing weight, stopping smoking, and more.

For additional support or in urgent situations, please do not hesitate to contact the appropriate services listed above. Remember, reaching out for help is a sign of strength, and numerous resources are available to support your journey to better mental health.