How to keep yourself and your neighbours safe and secure in your home

We often receive calls from residents telling us that they have not seen their neighbour for some time or a resident has abandoned their property or moved out. Sometimes residents move on and most of the time residents do let us know of their moving plans.

However that is not always the case, and sometimes residents move out of their homes and allow someone else to live in the property without GCHA (landlord) permission. For this reason, we carry out regular tenancy audits. The reason for tenancy audits is to:

  • Make sure the person living in the property is the legal tenant
  • Check on health and wellbeing of the resident
  • Check on the state of the property and identify any outstanding health and safety
  • issues and any repairs
  • Update tenant details and offer any ongoing support where needed.

If you have not had a H&S visit check or Tenancy Audit check in the last 12 months, please contact us and we will prioritise your home for a visit.

Annual Gas Safety Check

It is a new year, meaning that on an annual basis, we require access to your home to complete the annual gas safety check. Please ensure that when Robert Heath, our gas contractor, contacts you, you agree on a date for them to attend to complete the gas check.

Every five years, we also carry out electrical safety tests. If you had an electrical safety test in 2019, you are now due an electrical safety test. You will be contacted up to 2 months in advance by CPA, our contractors, who will require access to your home to complete the test.

Failure to provide access can lead to GCHA enforcing the terms of your tenancy agreement, which may lead to legal action in the form of an emergency injunction, a Notice of Seeking possession, or both.

We complete these checks for your safety and the safety of our property and buildings. So please work with us to enable these checks to be completed. If you have queries, please get in touch with the office.